Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year Resolutions!

New year came! So did my rush to have new year resolutions.
Heard lots from people that there is no point in having any resolutions as they anyway would be broken in 10 days!

My own personal experience taught me that having resolutions to do on a day to day basis, might not be a working model.

This time, I am twisting it a bit , to see if it works :)

All my daily resolutions are for 300 days this year. Net net, doing things for 300 days of the 365 days would give me 100% :)

This at least gives me some leeway when my little one is not well - I don't push myself to get up early or not wake up and then feel terrible that i have broken my resolution. Will know in a year's time whether this model is workable.

Some thoughts for myself:

I must continue to focus on my character ethic... easier to mesmerize people with personality ethic, but nothing beats a strong core.

Actually, of late, I am feeling at peace with myself on a host of things. Not getting unduly agitated, not bothered all the time about what people think of me, being confident of my own self, and finally, doing what is right and NOT doing what people think I should do.

One focus area for me would be to become more trusting of people and their intentions... need to figure a way of doing this...

That's for now... will get back in a few days with more thoughts and more feelings! Being an emotional person that I am, very difficult to not have 'feelings'. Feelings are very much 'me' :)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 !! Here I come!

Well, 2015 has come into my life. A beatiful year that has come in just for me... to get very very close to my dreams OR may be even get some of my dreams to reality!

It is my turn now to give my best to 2015!

Rewinding a bit to 2014... it was a year that was just lovely! It brought Mahatria into my life, very strongly! I have become more of a human being, loving, caring, not bothered about little unwanted things, became more spiritual, feel more blessed ... woohoo... loved the year!

Dear 2015, you know what! I want you to be a bigger, better year than 2014.This is my challenge to you... just see to it that you beat 2014, in all aspects!

My spiritual lesson for today...

Any person's Success is a result of Investments done by so many! Teachers, Siblings, God, Parents, and so many others who have put in efforts to make you successful (like an Apple that I eat today is a seed sown by someone who I don't even know and watered by someone else...). Don't take success to your head, but treat it as a way to be grateful to all who moulded you directly or indirectly.

My Corporate lesson for today...

Focus on the big picture... don't get too bogged down by the execution steps which might be a little different from what you want.

Also, leading a team means you are "responsible" for the success if your entire team... work towards their success. You have enough success now that you should start looking at making others successful

A little on New Year Resolutions in my next post!